(Harvard Referencing)

On this page I will be including "Harvard Referencing"  of the many sites I used to do research, download videos, and everything in between.
NOTE- I cited these websites on the same day on the 28th of October as I remembered to use Harvard referencing shortly before production was in full swing, and I would prefer to do the citations before I begin production!

First website on the list was the most useful for me over the majority of the project, and that website was actually the "ACTIVATE LEARNING" website! The activate learning domain had all of the sources that my teachers use available to look up at anytime and this was a massive help as I could log on whenever and get refreshed on what I needed to do! Below is the Citation from the "modules page" that's why some of the text on the citation seems a bit odd. 

Your Bibliography: 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 October 2021]. 

Second, if it wasn't for "YOUTUBE" I wouldn't of been able to upload videos onto my blog, This goes for videos from other creators such as examples of music videos or practical tasks I make such as camera lens practical and other Adobe tutorials!

Your Bibliography: 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 October 2021]. 

Next, The "GENIUS" website was recommended by our teachers to research our chosen artist and their songs... to go in depth with lyrics and in general just to do some primary research on our artist, For me; Mine was an American artist called Lil Skies so my citation comes up with his name and the name of the track called "How You Feel"

 (Lil Skies - How You Feel Lyrics | Genius Lyrics, 2021)

Your Bibliography: Genius. 2021. Lil Skies - How You Feel Lyrics | Genius Lyrics. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 October 2021].

The Last "Main" website isn't actually a website as such... I heavily used the SEARCH ENGINE "GOOGLE" in order to gain information, research and to reach my own web node. Google is extremely helpful in all aspects as it allowed me to research my chosen artist, get photos and images from online and get information on any other sub topic that the music video project needed me too.

Your Bibliography: 2021. Google. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 October 2021] 

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